Testing Your Kerning

Posted by on May 26, 2015 in Typography Tags: , ,

As a student, my typography skills have seen a vast improvement over the last few years but I am fully aware that I have a long way to go. Once you start, it becomes impossible to switch off – I am constantly checking for em/en dashes and looking at kerning on posters. It’s almost like you become a sort of Terminator of type – scanning the world around you with your eyes…

With that in mind, I came back to a brilliant site that tests your kerning ability. I took this super useful test  at the start of my two year HND course (August 2013) and didn’t do too bad – I think I was somewhere between 60 & 70%. Now that I am two years down the road, I decided to do it again.

I did ok… some I found easier than others.

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I got 87% overall which I am a little annoyed at. Could make loads of excuses but it is an improvement at least. I will try again next year and see if I do any better! (If I go backwards, I will cry!)

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