D&AD New Blood 2016
So, that’s me officially finished my BA in Graphic Design! It was a stressful year but I managed to get a degree with distinction which I am really chuffed about. When I started this year, it was to be my final year but we have been told there will be an Honours year running for the first time ever next year. So for the second time around I have one more year to go! But once it’s over that’s it… the big bad world awaits! I am hoping for a 2:1 for my Honours year next year but I am a great believer in what will be will be and if I work hard and put my best in, I can walk away proud (and no doubt severely exhausted if this year was anything to do by!).
As summer approached, a few of my fellow classmates and I got to go and exhibit our work at D&AD New Blood in London. It was a great experience and a bit of a sneak peak for us – we will be back next summer once we are officially graduates!
I managed to take lots of photos of silly things like the food I was eating but my fellow classmate Lisa Brown made a pretty cool video of the experience: